Uses of Interface

Packages that use Device.IConstants
org.jmacs.pd Programmable Device Framework. 

Uses of Device.IConstants in org.jmacs.pd

Methods in org.jmacs.pd that return Device.IConstants
 Device.IConstants Context.getConstants()
          returns constants, as passed to the Pdi constructor.
 Device.IConstants Device.Proxy.getConstants()
          returns constants.

Constructors in org.jmacs.pd with parameters of type Device.IConstants
Pdi(String name, Class clazz, Device.IConstants constants)
          for use where clazz is provided by the device package itself.
Pdi(String name, Device.IDriver.IContainer driverContainer, Device.IConstants constants)
          for use where the driverContainer class is provided by the device package itself.
Pdi(String name, Device.IDriver driver, Device.IConstants constants)
          for use where the driver class is provided by the device package itself.
Pdi(String name, String devicePkgname, Class clazz, Device.IConstants constants)
          creates new instance.
Pdi(String name, String devicePkgname, Device.IDriver.IContainer driverContainer, Device.IConstants constants)
          as above, but supplying a driver-container instance (rather than driver instance).
Pdi(String name, String devicePkgname, Device.IDriver driver, Device.IConstants constants)
          as above, but supplying the driver instance (rather than class).