org.jmacs 3.1
- org.jmacs.DiDriverException now dispensed-with!
- org.jmacs.IDi.IDriver.executeCmd(..) now just throws Exception,
- org.jmacs.IDi.IDriver.getStatus() no longer throws ANY exception
- Now, if org.jmacs.IDi.IDirver.getStatus() or
org.jmacs.pd.IDevice.IStatus.IFactory.getStatus() return null or throw a
RuntimeException, the device interface will be deemed fatally broken (in
which case it should be dropped)
- org.jmacs.pd.Device: any RuntimeException thrown when asking driver for
the status becomes the status itself
- org.jmacs.pd.IProgram, IInterpreter updated accordingly: status
arguments now of type Object instead of IDevice.IStatus
- ~.pd.Di: bug-fix: now always supplies diDriver.lock as lock argument to
jmacs-impln's IDi.IFactory methods, rather than leting the diDriver itself
be used as the lock, in the case where a (driver or driver-container)
classname was supplied; superfluous diDriver and lock fields dispensed-with
- ~.util.Timer gains set/getLagMillis() methods: the lag will be added to
the value returned by the system clock. These methods would typically be of
use when using timers on hosts whose clocks might be out of sync.
- ~.CmdNotRecognisedException(): now takes cmd as arg
2007-08-15 3.1r1
- + ~.CmdUsageException: constructor takes advice String as argument
- ~.IExceptionHandler.handleException(Exception e): javadoc now states
that e will be either the cause of a CmdExecutionException or null
- ~.util.Timer: newly added setLagMillis() found to have been incorrectly
implemented; now recalculates next boundary