org.jmacs 3.0
2006-12-11 3.0r1
- now pass the entire DI name to IDi.IFactory.createDi(), rather than
just the target name
- IDi: register() replaces bind(String subname)
- IDi: registerOrWait() replaces bindOrWait(String subname)
- IDi: registerLater() replaces bindLater(String subname)
- IDi: unregister() replaces unbind()
- IDi.States.REGISTERED replaces BOUND
- IDi.Util.checkDiName replaces checkTargetName, checkDiSubname
- DiNameTakenException replaces AlreadyBoundException
- NotRegisteredException replaces NotBoundException
2006-12-12 3.0r2
- IDi.Util.checkDiName: may not END with a dot, either
2006-04-05 3.0r3
- org.jmacs.pd classes now in separate jarfile
2007-05-26 3.0r4
- org.jmacs.util.Timer.Params: now overrides equals(Object) and hashCode()
2007-07-12 3.0.1r1
- org.jmacs.IMonitorGui.IContext: submitCmd(Serializable cmd, boolean
reloadClass), submitCmd(Serializable cmd, int id, boolean reloadClass)
removed; forgot to do this in 1.17.2r1
- org.jmacs.IControlsGui.IContext.submitCmd(Serializable cmd) doc comment
2007-07-14 3.0.2r1
- + org.jmacs.IResultHandler.handleException(DiDriverException)
2007-07-17 3.0.3r1
- - org.jmacs.IResultHandler.handleException(DiDriverException)
- + org.jmacs.IExceptionHandler
- - org.jmacs.IControlsgui.submitCmd(Serializable, IResultHandler): the
IControlsGui itself may impl't IResultHandler and IExceptionHandler
2007-08-04 3.0.3r2
- org.jmacs.IDi.Factory.getInstance(): default value of
'org.jmacs.IDi.IFactory' property now
'com.lafros.jmacs.impln.di.Di$Factory'--was previously
- org.jmacs.pd.Di: default value of package named by the
org.jmacs.pd.uiPkgname property now 'com.lafros.jmacs.pdui' (instead of
2007-08-07 3.0.3r3
- org.jmacs.pd.Di: default value of package named by the
org.jmacs.pd.uiPkgname property now 'com.lafros.jmacs.pd.ui' (instead of
2007-08-08 3.0.3r4
- org.jmacs.pd.Device: any RuntimeException thrown when asking driver for
the status becomes the status itself
- org.jmacs.pd.IProgram, IInterpreter updated accordingly: status
arguments now of type Object instead of IDevice.IStatus
- IDevice.IStatus.IFactory.getStatus(): may now return null