org.jmacs 1.17
2006-07-23 1.17.0r1
- ~.pd.IDevice.IDriver constructors may no longer take a context argument. If a
context is required, then IDevice.IDriver.IContainer must be impl'ted
instead, together with the appropriate interface(s).
- IDiDriver.ISampler added
- IDiDriver.IClient.ISubscribeOnly becomes IDiDriver.ISubscriber
- IDiDriver.IClient.IControlOnly becomes IDiDriver.IControl
- IDiDriver.IClient.IFull becomes IDiDriver.IClient
- IDiDriver.ISampler.IContext added
- IDiDriver.IContext.ISubscribeOnly becomes IDiDriver.ISubscriber.IContext
- IDiDriver.IContext.IControlOnly becomes IDiDriver.IControl.IContext
- IDiDriver.IContext.IFull becomes IDiDriver.IClient.IContext
- ~.pd.IInterpreter: no longer passed control context
- ~.pd.IProxyDeviceFactory (added in 1.4) finally removed (since now redundant)
- javadoc corrections
2006-08-07 1.17.0r2
- IDiClient: javadoc revised, and now describes the properties
concerned with connecting to a target JMACS server
- org.jmacs package description revised
2006-08-11 1.17.1r1
- IDiDriver.ISubscriber.IContext: now extends
IDiDriver.ISampler.IContext. Note that the IDiDriver must impl't
IDiDriver.ISampler as well, if it also wishes to make explicit
requests for the status of particular devices without wanting to subscribe to them.
2006-08-25 1.17.2r1
- IControlsGui.IContext: submitCmd() variants with boolean
reloadClass arg removed (since this information can be determined
automatically, by examining the cmd class's classloader)
2006-08-28 1.17.3r1
- IDiDriver and nested classes: args of
methods to be impl'ted, and return values of methods to be called,
previously of type Serializable, are now of type Object