org.jmacs 1.16
2006-07-14 r1
- ~.pd.IDevice.IStatus, IDevice.IConstants added: this is to promote
robustness (by avoiding having too many arguments of type Object about
the place), at the expense of a little extra work on the part of the
programmable-device developer
- ~.pd.IInterpreter.interpretCmd: status and constants args no longer of
type Object
- ~.pd.IPdCmd.execute: ditto
- ~.pd.IProgram.init, wake, terminate: ditto
- ~.pd.IDevice.IStatus.IFactory replaces IDevice.IStatusFactory:
deemed to be a bit neater (now that we have an IDevice.IStatus);
getStatus() now returns IDevice.IStatus rather than Serializable
2006-07-17 1.16.1r1
- ~.IDiDriver.IClient: setContext(IDiDriver.IContext) added, so that
this interface can be implemented where only the status of another
DI will be requested
- ~.pd.DiClient: all constructors now throw IllegalArgumentException
rather than MalformedURLException if devicePkgname malformed; javadoc
- ~.pd.DiDriver: requires further scrutiny!