org.jmacs 1.13
2005-07-30 rel-6_0
- ~.IControlsGui: setActionListener + actionPerformed replace
- ~.pdf.DiDriver: IPdfCmds no longer dealt with, but left for the
interpreter; control flag now actually observed
- ~.pdf.IPdfCmds now required to override toString() so as to return
a declared command string, so that they may be identified by any
interpreter. The string should begin with an underscore, to indicate
that it is not a command that may be sumbitted from the commandline.
- ~.pdf.IPdfIntivCmd dropped--IPdfCmd may now be used, since a result
is now returned in the interactive case as well
2005-09-22 rel-7_0
- ~.IMonitorGui.IContext.submitCmd: IResultHandler arg removed in all
cases--turns out not to be required
- ~.IDiDriver.IContext: subscribe(String diName, boolean b) added